To make a booking please use the “Make a Booking” page
For booking system enquiries, email :-
For general information on the hall, email :-
Hall Council
Trustees :- Rob Williamson (Ufffington), Brona Jones (Woolstone), Sue Owen-Smith (Baulking).
Management Committee :- Gillian Ward (Chair),
Jonathan de Wilton (Treasurer), Vacancy (Secretary),
Vacancy (Caretaker/Website), Mark Cracknell(Finance/Contracts), Robert Purdie (Health & Safety), Geoff Rumble (Bookings/Cleaning),
Council Representatives :- Fenella Oberman (Parish Council),
Christine Holley (Players), Linda Lord (Church), Jane Cracknell (Garden Club), Jessica Mildenhall (Mother & Toddlers), Jo Coad (Uffington Museum), Katherine Murkett (Scout Group),Dave Barnes (Beavers),
Tom Matthews (Scouts), Andy Creese (Cubs), Carolyn Courtney (Yogalates).
The Thomas Hughes Memorial Hall, Uffington Community Association
is a registered charity, No. 267864. A copy of the Hall’s constitution is available on request to the management committee, see contact details above.