Thomas Hughes Memorial Hall - Improvements
(Update Sept 24)
2020:- Audio-Visual System installed in the large function room.It includes loop system hearing support.
2021:- The large function room, decorated throughout.
New windows installed in Ladies and Gents toilets.
New door and ventilation installed in the plant room.
Extraction Fan installed in small function room.
2022:- Broadband System installed for entire building.
Repairs to car park surface completed.
2023:- Broadband upgraded to high speed fibre.
2024:- Audio-Visual System installed in the small function room.It includes loop system hearing support.
Low level fluorescent lighting modified to LED in large function room and switch locations improved.
All fluorescent lighting in small function room now LED.
Fire and Smoke Alarm systems upgraded.
On-line booking system introduced.
New flooring in Foyer and Storeroom.
Projects being progressed
Improvements to outside small function room emergency exit area.
If you would like to consider making a donation towards these future projects, please contact a member of the management committee (see information page).
Your donation would be contributing to the whole community and your support would be very much appreciated.